Kristiansund vs Bryne (2023-11-29T18:00:00.000Z)
Kristiansund vs Bryne (2023-11-29T18:00:00.000Z)
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- Andreas Dybevik (0 - 1)
- Brynjolfur Darri Willumsson (1 - 1)
- Rogvi Baldvinsson
- Jesper Isaksen (2 - 1)
- Duarte Moreira
- Marius Broholm (3 - 1)
- Eirik Saunes (3 - 2)
- Dan Peter Ulvestad (4 - 2)
- Total shots
- Shots on target
- Corners
Top stats
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- 5
- 1
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- 5
- Andreas Dybevik (0 - 1)
- Brynjolfur Darri Willumsson (1 - 1)
- Rogvi Baldvinsson
- Jesper Isaksen (2 - 1)
- Duarte Moreira
- Marius Broholm (3 - 1)
- Eirik Saunes (3 - 2)
- Dan Peter Ulvestad (4 - 2)
Team form
- Total shots
- Shots on target
- Corners
Top stats
- Who won between Kristiansund and Bryne on Wed, 29 Nov 2023 18:00:00 GMT?
About the match
Kristiansund is playing home against Bryne at Nordmøre stadion on Wed, Nov 29, 2023, 18:00 UTC. This is Quarter-Finals of the Eliteserien Qualification.
Predicted lineups are available for the match a few days in advance while the actual lineup will be available about an hour ahead of the match.
The current head to head record for the teams are Kristiansund 5 win(s), Bryne 2 win(s), and 4 draw(s).
Team form
- Nordmøre stadion
- Marius Lien
- 3,571
Who will win?
- Who won between Kristiansund and Bryne on Wed, 29 Nov 2023 18:00:00 GMT?
About the match
Kristiansund is playing home against Bryne at Nordmøre stadion on Wed, Nov 29, 2023, 18:00 UTC. This is Quarter-Finals of the Eliteserien Qualification.
Predicted lineups are available for the match a few days in advance while the actual lineup will be available about an hour ahead of the match.
The current head to head record for the teams are Kristiansund 5 win(s), Bryne 2 win(s), and 4 draw(s).