Douglas Haig vs San Martin de Formosa (2022-10-16T19:00:00.000Z)
- Albornoz41' (Pen)
- Bassi24'
Douglas Haig vs San Martin de Formosa (2022-10-16T19:00:00.000Z)
- Albornoz41' (Pen)
- Bassi24'
Team form
- Who won between Douglas Haig and San Martin de Formosa on Sun, 16 Oct 2022 19:00:00 GMT?
About the match
Douglas Haig is playing home against San Martin de Formosa on Sun, Oct 16, 2022, 19:00 UTC. This is Round 34 of the Federal A Zona B.
Predicted lineups are available for the match a few days in advance while the actual lineup will be available about an hour ahead of the match.
The current head to head record for the teams are Douglas Haig 0 win(s), San Martin de Formosa 1 win(s), and 1 draw(s).
Have scored 4 goals in their last 5 matches
Have scored 6 goals in their last 5 matches
Team form
Who will win?
- Who won between Douglas Haig and San Martin de Formosa on Sun, 16 Oct 2022 19:00:00 GMT?
About the match
Douglas Haig is playing home against San Martin de Formosa on Sun, Oct 16, 2022, 19:00 UTC. This is Round 34 of the Federal A Zona B.
Predicted lineups are available for the match a few days in advance while the actual lineup will be available about an hour ahead of the match.
The current head to head record for the teams are Douglas Haig 0 win(s), San Martin de Formosa 1 win(s), and 1 draw(s).
Have scored 4 goals in their last 5 matches
Have scored 6 goals in their last 5 matches