Fløya vs Frigg (2025-06-21T15:00:00.000Z)
Fløya vs Frigg (2025-06-21T15:00:00.000Z)
About the match
Fløya is playing home against Frigg on Sat, Jun 21, 2025, 15:00 UTC. This is Round 11 of the 3. Divisjon Avd. 1.
Predicted lineups are available for the match a few days in advance while the actual lineup will be available about an hour ahead of the match.
About the match
Fløya is playing home against Frigg on Sat, Jun 21, 2025, 15:00 UTC. This is Round 11 of the 3. Divisjon Avd. 1.
Predicted lineups are available for the match a few days in advance while the actual lineup will be available about an hour ahead of the match.