SKN St. Poelten vs KuPS (2022-09-28T17:15:00.000Z)
- Zver6', 118'
- Hartikainen28'
- Kröger32'
SKN St. Poelten vs KuPS (2022-09-28T17:15:00.000Z)
- Zver6', 118'
- Hartikainen28'
- Kröger32'
Team form
- Who won between SKN St. Poelten and KuPS on Wed, 28 Sep 2022 17:15:00 GMT?
About the match
SKN St. Poelten is playing home against KuPS on Wed, Sep 28, 2022, 17:15 UTC. This is Final of the Women's Champions League Qualification 2nd Round.
Predicted lineups are available for the match a few days in advance while the actual lineup will be available about an hour ahead of the match.
The current head to head record for the teams are SKN St. Poelten 1 win(s), KuPS 0 win(s), and 0 draw(s).
Unbeaten in 9 away games
Team form
Who will win?
- Who won between SKN St. Poelten and KuPS on Wed, 28 Sep 2022 17:15:00 GMT?
About the match
SKN St. Poelten is playing home against KuPS on Wed, Sep 28, 2022, 17:15 UTC. This is Final of the Women's Champions League Qualification 2nd Round.
Predicted lineups are available for the match a few days in advance while the actual lineup will be available about an hour ahead of the match.
The current head to head record for the teams are SKN St. Poelten 1 win(s), KuPS 0 win(s), and 0 draw(s).
Unbeaten in 9 away games